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If I wrote you a song...

The second Different today album
is available on most streaming services

Debut album

Available on most streaming services
Our debut album ‘We Are…Different Today’, containing songs such as ‘Beatles and Stones’, ‘This Sparkling Life’ and ‘Forthlin Road’, and a Christmas bonus track is available on most streaming services. We hope you will enjoy listening to it!

In november 2019  ‘Different Today’ released their first album: ‘We Are… Different Today’. Containing songs such as ‘Forthlin Road’, a tribute song to the early days of The Beatles, and ‘This Sparkling Life’, which was inspired by the music of Frank Sinatra. Different Today plays an eclectic mix of pop/rock/folk with a generous dose of humour.

The fourth album which is currently being completed will be entirely in Dutch. And is expected to  be released in early 2023.